Header reading 'The Space Shanty' in a hand-made font. The text is in front of a copper pixelated background with rivets and bolts. On the side, a 1700's style frigate with add-ons like rocketship motors and fish-like masts on its sides, is turned away from the viewer with its motors going full blast.

Cliques Pixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Cliques are internet communities joined by a common theme, like an interest, a fandom, or a type of art ! To join a pixel clubs in particular you create something around a theme!

On this page I'll put all the pixel clubs i'll join :] First one is the Sticker Sheet Club! My stickers are the stickers I made, and in my sticker sheet is stickers made by other members ! click on the sticker to go to their website :)

My stickers

My sticker sheet

Fizzy vendor Pixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Fizzy vendor is a pixel club where you create a drink for a vending machine ! Here's the drink I made!

Bottle of 'Z'Dar', a purple bubbly liquid with a green NASA-looking logo

Here's other fizzy drinks !

a ramune bottle with a small figurine of a slice lemon sitting next to it, it has pink lemonade inside. The label is pink with yellow text on it. The bead is shaped like a citrus slice A glass bottle with purple liquid and a one-eyed tentacle creature inside a pink can with a lemon logo a ramune bottle with a pink to purple gradient liquid. The label is blue and reads Hal's Ale a milk carton of a grassy hill with a rainbow against a blue sky A looping gif of a glass bottle with a blue fizzing beverage A cyan can with a skull symbol. Below the skull is text that reads Skull Dust in all caps A blue glass bottle with golden line accents and cap. The labelk is a golden S a looping gif of a purple tinted can with a dark purple label with stars. white text reads 'stellar grape' in all caps. A shine gleams across the can hog

Other pixel clubs Pixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Here's a list of all the other pixel clubs i found !

Pocket town, where you draw a house and make a street!

RPG club, where you draw a RPG character and build a team!

The Quilting bee club is technically defunct, but trading quilts is still around :] I'd love to make some based on my own quilted blanket

Teeny towers, where you create a room that you share to make a tower!

Afternoon tea, where you create and share a cup of tea :]

CD world, where you make an album case and create a musicothèque

Dream Team, where you create an asset like suki from Yume Nikki

Bunny Garden !! make a bunny and put it in a field with other bunnies :]

Charm bracelets, where you make a charm and create your bracelet

Lava lounge, where you create your lava lamp and display them on a shelf

Nyanbo Atsume, where you draw a cardboard cat!

Jar jams, where you draw a jam jar and grow your collection

Kindness rock, where you draw on a rock and make a rock pile

Pill pals, where you draw anything on a pill and create your pill box

Objets, where you draw an object and fill your object box !

Kitty friends, where you create a cat and give it friends

Yum Yum shoppe, where you "sell" your wares and "purchase" others!

Other Cliques Pixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Here's a list of some cliques I found!

I choose you!, where you adopt a pokemon!

Adopt a Boba, where you adopt a boba!

+ List of cliques

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