Header reading 'The Space Shanty' in a hand-made font. The text is in front of a copper pixelated background with rivets and bolts. On the side, a 1700's style frigate with add-ons like rocketship motors and fish-like masts on its sides, is turned away from the viewer with its motors going full blast.

Luppy and Cici's storyPixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Luppy, a lonely space pirate, accidentally kidnaps noble heiress Felicité. Their relationship go through ups and downs as they try to get Felicité home without Luppy being captured by the unrelenting Marine captain, Lewis Bellamy.

I am currently writing Luppy's story, very slowly and in french. I really want to share her story here, accompanied with illustrations and background music, but it's going to be for a future update!

If you want to wait for the real chapters you can ! I also have more details on the story in spoilers below! You won't need to have read them (or the character sheets) to understand the chapters... if i ever manage to write them.

Chapters - FrPixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Work in progress - Hello World!

Chapters - EngPixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Work in progress - Hello World!

Series 1 is where Luppy and Cici become friends !

It starts as Luppy is trying to discretly steal from a partying manor. After fucking up royaly, Luppy ends up holding Cici at gun point. Cici is the princess of the castle, and she ends up by mistake on Luppy’s ship !

Luppy, running away from the marine to safety, doesn't know what to do with Cici now on her boat and the new bounty on her head.

Luppy first goes to the Yarn Ball, a pirate safe place, as safe as a pirate place can be. She tries to sell the things she stole in the manor, to no luck. Too afraid to talk to Cici, the noble ends up wandering in the asteroid by herself. We see that pirates really aren't as scary as Cici thought.

After almost dying in a black hole, Cici and Luppy finally talk. Luppy explains plainly that she doesn't want to hurt Cici and that really, they have the same goal : get her home. They agree on some compromises and work out a solution to that problem together.

Luppy and Cici get closer over the course of their travels towards first cici’s dad’s factories, then her aunt.

Cici learns a lot of new things about herself, like her love for physical exercise and sailing. She comes into her non binary identity as well.

Luppy and Cici end up sailing and singing sea shanties together a lot. They share a lack of social intelligence and help each other out painly but determinedly.

At the end, as Lewis (who has been chasing them all this time) gets closer, luppy and cici separate at her aunt’s place.

As they go up to the gates and see the life waiting for them, Cici has doubts. They realize how much they’re going to miss Luppy. They realize in this old world, they have no friends at all !!

So Cici comes back ! They save luppy as an eye injury might make her loose against Lewis.

They escape together to live another day.

After Cici has decided to stay with Luppy. They welcome new crewmates who each come with their own baggage and goals. Sinclair, a determined historian who follows the footsteps of his mother in order to uncover a conspiracy. Ion, an energic alien teen with a penchant for chemistry who decides to adopt themselves into the crew. Will the new group gain harmony despite the looming threat of the Marines ?

Luppy and Ion are sent to prison ! While Luppy is being consumed by revenge, Cici and Sinclair have to go back to their old life. Will Luppy and Ion be brave and smart enough to get out of prison ?

Reunited at last. The group, now having a new member in Marine traitor Lewis, go back to having adventures together. But nothing really is the same. Tensions rise in the group as trauma creates rifts between them. How will they recover and form stonger bonds together ?