Header reading 'The Space Shanty' in a hand-made font. The text is in front of a copper pixelated background with rivets and bolts. On the side, a 1700's style frigate with add-ons like rocketship motors and fish-like masts on its sides, is turned away from the viewer with its motors going full blast.

About me Pixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Hello ! My name is Arsène, I’m 24, french, and I use they/them pronouns.

I am currently employed as a designer technician, but I use my free time for my hobbies, which consist in a lot of arts and crafts, and illustration.

I want to write my own story, which you can read about in its section. Unfortunately I’m a very slow writer and having a full time job is preventing me from writing consistently.

You can find me using these links, but I literally never post anything on there. I think I will find here, on my personnal website, a place without all the stress of other social media.