Lewis Bellamy
First antagonist, a cold obssessed Marine on duty to arrest Luppy, secretly a passionnate cook in a relationship with a fellow crewmember
Lewis is the main antagonist of the story, who’s job it is to retrieve Cici to her parents and arrest Luppy. Starting off as a cartoony menace, he ends up turning a new leaf and joining the crew.
Pronouns | He/him |
Age | 20+ |
Orientation | Pansexual |
Height | 2m |
Species | Ackelii |
Occupation | Marine |
💛 His boyfriend
💛 A nice cup of tea
💛 Cooking/baking and sharing food
💛 Feeling accomplished by doing his job
💛 Things shaped like hearts
💛 Arguing
💔 Loosing to Luppy
💔 His crew
💔 His superior
💔 Pirates

Cold & detached, Lewis never made contact with the people in his crew. He is mostly hidden in his cabin or out giving orders. He doesn’t care about his crew in every sense. Does he even know everyone’s names?
Repressed. Lewis has always hid his attraction to men, and with that, most of his emotions are stuck below the surface. The only things that resurface are frustration and anger, that he mostly points towards Luppy and her crew.
Very concerned about normality. He wants and Ackeliis and LGBT people to be seen as normal, and assimilated himself so much he stripped himself of any quirks or remenants of his cultures. This is something he learns to change.
Self-conscious about his need for eye prosthetics. He asked for them to be unnoticable / look normal.
Argumentative. The guy never shuts up and always wants to win the “debate”, using big words and never letting the other speaks.
Strong sense of justice mixed with blind ego. Blindly believes he is doing the right thing, but doesn’t see the consequences of the justice system he is attached to.
Shows love in hidden, subtle ways. His relationship with Scott always being hidden, they found little secret ways of signaling their love to each other.
Seems humorless, mostly doesn’t let it show when something amuses him. His no-nonsense attitude protects him from being overtly mocked by his crew in the name of humour.
Loves cooking and baking, it’s his prefered way of showing love and also relax.
Story Arc
Series 1 : Lewis is just the main antagonist and doesn’t change. He is demanded by Cici’s parents to find her and bring her home. It is his goal throughout, adding Luppy’s capture to his list of tasks.
Relationship with Luppy
Lewis is the main antagonist in Part 1 and 2.
By following Luppy and trying to catch her he is just doing his job (getting Cici back home).
Luppy sees him as a nuisance and is quite scared of him and the things he represents. Each time they cross paths, it is a reminder that the endpath of criminals like Luppy is always going to be death or jail.
Lewis takes honor and pride in this mission, as it is specially commendited by Cici’s dad, a powerful man.

Stuff they like to do together
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Relationship with Cici
At first, Cici sees Lewis as her savior, the one that is going to get her home.
Her views change once Luppy reveals that she always intended to get Cici home. Then, Lewis is more of an obstacle to that mutual goal.
After Lewis gravely hurts Luppy, Cici starts actively hating the guy.
Relationship with First mate
The nature of their relationship is subtextual in part 1 since Lewis doesn't appear too much.
Secret boyfriends.
See each other quite regularly due to their jobs and Scott being his first mate. They have to keep it low all day and only have the night to themselves.
Their rooms being right next to each other, they knock on the wall morse code to talk to each other.
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