Header reading 'The Space Shanty' in a hand-made font. The text is in front of a copper pixelated background with rivets and bolts. On the side, a 1700's style frigate with add-ons like rocketship motors and fish-like masts on its sides, is turned away from the viewer with its motors going full blast.

Space Shanty Characters Pixelated versions of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of a bowser page.

Luppy, a lonely space pirate, accidentally kidnaps noble heiress Felicité. Their relationship go through ups and downs as they try to get Felicité home without Luppy being captured by the unrelenting Marine captain, Lewis Bellamy.

I am currently writing Luppy's story, very slowly and in french. I really want to share her story here, accompanied with illustrations and background music, but it's going to be for a future update!

If you want to wait for the real chapters you can ! I also have more details on the story in spoilers below! You won't need to have read them (or the character sheets) to understand the chapters... if i ever manage to write them.

Gallery (click to zoom)