Cici (Félicité)
Full name Félicité “Cici” Chevalier de Saintmignon du Bois Groseille
Luppy’s best friend, former princess, newly-found bodybuilding sailor and dumb berserk pirate
Cici is Luppy’ best friend, and the second main character. From a noble background, she turns a new leaf after being stuck on Luppy’s ship and befriending her. Their story is one of self-discovery.
Pronouns | She/They |
Age | 20+ |
Orientation | Lover of women |
Height | 1m70 |
Species | Human |
Occupation | Marquise, then Pirate |
🌸 Small fancy foods
🌸 Feeling strong
🌸 Sea/space shanties
🌸 Soft fabricsc
🌸 Catch/MMA
🌸 Action movies
🌸 Drag
💔 Being alone
💔 Using her brain
💔 The taste of protein shakes
💔 Leg day
💔 Using swords to fight (prefers punching)
💔 Being forced to do stuff

From a rich, noble family, Félicité starts off as an entitled, ignorant brat.
She believed she was owed everything she desired. She was completely detached from the realities of work and normal people. She threw tantrums everytime things didn't go her way, or Luppy refused her anything.
After realising the realities of being a pirate and seeing the lifestyle of a vast array of people, she calmed down on the mean comments.
Leaving her comfort and disgust behind, she started being extremely adventurous. Still feeling consequence-free, she is very ruthless.
She became very curious and started pushing the boundaries of what she was capable of the moment she realised Luppy didn’t care about what she did like her parents did.
Very loyal to her friends and her boat. Goes berserk when her beloved are threatened.
Not very smart or witty, but very talkative and confident.
Petty, she holds grudges for a long time before magically forgetting about them.
From her education she keeps impeccable table manners, a crooked sense of socializing with peers based on competition, and a dislike of being alone.
After realising she loved exercise, sailing and fighting, she started doing it regularly, and even trying to change her diet. She hates the taste of protein shakes but she still drinks them.
Always surprises everyone with random skills she picked up from her at-home education. Like painting, sewing, riding horses, fencing, playing the violin, etc. She says she didn’t enjoy the craft enough times to make her friends wonder if she ever enjoyed anything back home.
Headstrong, she can't bear to use subtle weapons like swords, and would really rather use her own fists to fight.
Cannot resist someone being nice to her! Falls in love easily and hard for any woman, and gets her heart broken just as easily. She’s just as intense everytime.
Story Arc
Series 1 : Félicité starts as an entitled, mean rich girl. She gets kidnapped, and, in the process of being taken back home, realizes where her true passions lie. She learns about herself, that she loves exercise, body building and sailling. She also learns in concert with Luppy how to be actual, real friends with someone. At the end of the journey, she stays with Luppy by choice, because that’s the place she feels most free and happiest.
Relationship with Luppy
Cici and Luppy’s relationship is the building block of the part 1 of the story.
Luppy is the one who kidnapped Cici, removed her from her comfy life and family. When they meet, they are more ennemies than anything. Cici wants to go back home, bullying and throwing tantrums at Luppy to get what she wants. Luppy is scared of Cici, and what she means to her pirate bounty.
Their most important bonding moment is them watching Captain D4rk movies and having a lot of fun together.

They also grow closer through their adventures where they look out for one another.
Between Luppy’s lack of socializing and Cici’s rich-only circles, the duo completely fumbles any interaction with normal people. Their lack of general smarts make them look really stupid when anything out of their league happens.
Stuff they like to do together
Watching Captain D4rk
Singing sea shanties while working ship
Getting drunk and spread mayhem
Relationship with Lewis
At first, Cici sees Lewis as her savior, the one that is going to get her home.
Her views change once Luppy reveals that she always intended to get Cici home. Then, Lewis is more of an obstacle to that mutual goal.
After Lewis gravely hurts Luppy, Cici starts actively hating the guy.
Relationship with Parents
Félicité, from the start up until returning to them in part 3, thinks fondly of them. She would agree that her father is too aggressive, but overall, she believes that her parents do what’s best for her, and love her.
Félicité’s parents, rich nobles and owners of a pretty successful compagny, are very strict and calculated about their reputation and social standing. They wish for Félicité to marry another rich noble, and expand their grasp on the industry.
Marriage is a huge subject of contention in Félicité’s family. Félicité has never met any man she was interested in, and sabbotaged all unions her parents set up for her. Félicité, not understanding that she is not attracted to men at all, thought her lack of interest came from high standards: They were not Prince-like enough !
From her parents, Félicité inherited a certain mean-ness. The cause being, her parents are actually quite manipulative. Manipulation is not something Cici was smart enough to replicate, but she did catch up with the subtle insults her parents and peers launch at each other.
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